Golden Bridge
Death is knocking my door
Panic sent a chill through my spine
Like a smoky dream, life evaporated
As a dew drop hanging in a bamboo leaf
But vanished at the first ray of sun
Have I travelled in unchartered path
To search for meaning in life
My soul cried in agony over death
Uncertain after life in endless ending
‘Enough is enough’ begged my heart.
Escape from this hell to your past.
I borrowed half an hour from my Fate
For daydreaming to have a glimpse
Of my joyful and green lost pasture
Fate granted my wish with a deep sigh
I constructed a golden bridge with lost
Memories and missed opportunities and
Walked along it to meet my teen age
Angel whose fragrance still I breathe
I meet her in the classroom in the year 1973
She flashes a smile – agony or ecstasy?
Like the mysterious Mona Lisa
Extends she her hands towards me
The fragrance of her sweat still intoxicating
Ecstasy envelops my whole being
Her hug transforms me unto a
Statue of salt with tears in eyelids
Suddenly she changes her demeanor to anger
Fake anger multiplies her beauty million times
Unlocks her lips and a melody floats out
‘Where have you been all these years honey?’
The love in the tone melts nearby rock
‘I carried your image in my heart
Wandered along hills and valleys like a lunatic’
Her tight hug reverts me back to life from trance
‘Where have you been all these years Lizzy?’
“I closed my eyelids on the day we departed and
Remain so till date lest you escape from my eyes”
Her reply transforms me into a morph
I entered into her Being and got lost
Fate knocked the doors of my dream
‘The time is over’