dannysdialogue.com is a platform to discuss anything in the Universe. It deals with the existential problems and spiritual dilemma confronted by the Sapiens, institutionalising the social, economic and political systems which have been undergoing corruption along with the advancement of civilization, the continual decline in the spiritual values caused by the rigid institutionalisation of various religions which replaced LOVE with rituals and above all the never ending clash between the Good and the Evil, misinterpreted by religions as God and Satan. Every human being undergoes such existential trauma in the form of dialogues within his/her heart, be they Socrates, Jesus, Job, Buddha or any inquisitive souls. Fortunate are those who experience enlightenment and find their own solutions.
Ingenito and Innoxus – who represent human beings irrespective of caste, religious, ethnic or social identities – are two fictitious characters involved in a lengthy dialogue on various issues and concerns tormenting the mankind ever since the first sapiens emerged in the known fragment of Universe. Both Ingenito and Innoxus exist in all the normal thinking human beings. Ingenito is the representative of intelligence which is the birth right of every human being irrespective of his social, economic status, ethnic or religious identities. Innoxus is the representative of the innocence of a child which all human being possess but get corrupted by the man-made social institutions.
The mind is the workshop of God and Devil but the essence of man is the divinity of innocence and intelligence. It requires immense courage to overcome the mind and articulate the dialogues between innocence and intelligence to find out TRUTH which is God. It is a never ending dialogue and those who entertain sincere yearning to search TRUTH shall join the dialogue and contribute to the well-being of humanity and the mother nature.